Thursday, February 28, 2008

Handy-Dandy Websites

I will do my best to catagorize these according to grade. Again, it's a very loose guideline.


Letter recognition/tracing/sounds

Handwriting/penmanship/cursive. This site also has many homeschool helps like schedules and organizers.

Early reading/math skills/concepts

Free to join. Great workshets on all subjects.

A wide variety of fun worksheets. You can also generate your own math workshets here.

Shakespeare is Elementary

Us Government for Kids

More coming soon....I suddenly got VERY tired.



Tara said...

Sounds like there are many worth checking out... I have to admit I'm glad you got tired... not because I don't want to see the others (I certainly do), but because there is much to explore with the few you've already given... this will give us a little time to get ready for the next set!


Tara said...

All these sites have been added to the side bar.